The Influence of Extreme Right-wing anti-Palestinian Russian Israelis on the Growth of Neo-Nazi Jewish Groups in Israel

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Political Studies, Imam Sadegh University.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Imam Sadegh University


One of the most important sources of extremism is dissatisfaction and a sense of failure that can create an extreme tendency to nurture unity and otherness, on the basis of common features of "Us" and differences with "Others". But the definition of these two groups is not fixed, rather with the spread of extremism and right-wingness, the "Us" becomes more limited and "Others" grows larger. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of extreme anti-Arab right-wingness and the effect of this otherness on the growth of Jewish neo-Nazi groups in Israel. This research is a descriptive-analytical study of post-event type and its required data were collected by reviewing existing documents and statistics on Jewish neo-Nazi groups. In the present article, Israeli Russians are considered as one of the most dissatisfied caste inhabitants of the occupied territories. This study, after examining the causes of Israeli Russian dissatisfaction and identifying its constituents and reproducing factors, points to the growth of the Israeli right-wing Beiteinu Party, led by the Russian Israeli, Avigdor Lieberman, as well as to the propensity of Russians, the Israel's most populous ethnic group, towards this party. Lieberman and the Yisrael Beiteinu party beat on the drum of hostility towards the Arabs and work to unite the insiders by adopting the most aggressive anti-Palestinian approaches. This otherness, which reaches its maximum level during the war, produces violence against Arab enemies and increases social mobilization; but the findings of the study show that after the war, violence and otherness will go on within the Zionist community. And by limiting the group of "insiders," it diverts the arrow from aiming at the Arab foreign enemy to the domestic opposition.Therefore, this dualization as a double-edged sword, though in the short run, will encourage social mobilization among the Israelis, in the long run, will develop the otherness within the Zionist community and provides a platform for ethnic conflicts.


Main Subjects

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