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Journal of "Political Sociology of the Islamic World"

franchise owner

Shahed University

year of publication

Summer 2013

Publication period



Dr. Zahed Ghaffari Hashjin


Dr. Abbas Keshavarz Shokri


ISSN print


ISSN online



The Bi-quarterly "Political Sociology of the Islamic World" Journal, to examine and comprehend the Islamic world study issues, with the political sociology approach, states its considered research topics as follows:

  1. Theoretical foundations of political sociology in the Islamic world

1- Theoretical foundations of Islamic movements in the Islamic world

2- The theoretical foundations of political sociology in modern Islamic civilization

3- The theoretical foundations of the state in the Islamic world

4- Theoretical foundations of political authority and political power in the Islamic world

  1. Theoretical foundations of political legitimacy, political sovereignty, and political participation in the Islamic world,

6- Theoretical Foundations of National Security and Social Security in the Islamic World, Theoretical Foundations of Identity, Ethnicity, and Ummah in the Islamic World

  1. Theoretical Foundations of Political Culture in the Islamic World



B- Political sociology of Islamic movements in the Islamic world

1- Islamic Movements in the Islamic World: Background, Causes, Process, Results, and Consequences

2- The sociological characteristics of Islamic movements in the Islamic world

3- Flows and forces of intellectual and political ideology in the Islamic world

4- The leaders' and elites' views about Islamic movements in the Islamic world

  1. Islamic movements and Islamic identity in the Islamic world
  2. Islamic movements, ethnicities, minorities, and religious sectors in the Islamic world.


  1. Political sociology of state and creating the system in the Islamic world

1- Structural structure in the Islamic world

2- State functions in the Islamic world

3- State and civil society in the Islamic world

4- State and social context in the Islamic world

  1. State and nationalism in the Islamic world
  2. Government Pathology in the Islamic World
  3. Government species in the Islamic world


  1. D) Political sociology of authority and power, sovereignty and participation, social and political security in the Islamic world

1- Political parties in the Islamic world;

2- Political behavior in the Islamic world;

3- Electoral behavior in the Islamic world;

4- Associations, congregations, unions, etc. in the Islamic world

  1. Army and military groups in the Islamic world;
  2. Influence and pressure groups, power lobbies in the Islamic world, security
  3. Social and political security in the Islamic world;
  4. Terrorism and extremist groups in the Islamic world.


E- The Political Sociology of Modern Islamic Civilization

1- The nature, the processes, and the consequences of modern Islamic civilization;

2- Civilization and the sociological dimensions of the lifestyle in the Islamic world

3- Islamic civilization and the sociological dimensions of globalization in the Islamic world;

4- Sociological damages of modern Islamic civilization.


(F) Political sociology of identity, ethnicity, classes and social forces in the Islamic world:

1- Political sociology of Islamic identity,

2- Political sociology of ethnicity in the Muslim world,

3- Political sociology of the religious world in the Islamic world,

4- Political sociology of ethnic and religious minorities in the Islamic world,

  1. Political sociology of social classes in the Islamic world;
  2. Political sociology of social forces (clergy, intellectuals, marketers, students, and women ....) in the Islamic world.


(G) Political Sociology of Political Culture in the Islamic World:

1- Political sociology of political subcultures in the Muslim world;

2- Political sociology of myths, symbols, and signs in the Islamic world,

3- Political sociology of civil and participatory culture in the Islamic world,

4- Political sociology of authoritarian culture in the Islamic world,

  1. Political sociology of the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in the Islamic world;
  2. Political sociology of conspiracy culture in the Islamic world;
  3. Political sociology of democracy and religion in the Muslim world,
  4. Political sociology of democracy models in the Islamic world;


H- Political Sociology of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran

1- Political sociology of political structures of the Islamic Republic (government and other political institutions)

2- Political sociology of civil institutions in the Islamic Republic;

3- Political sociology of the Islamic Republic and contemporary Islamic movements,

4- Political sociology of political parties in the Islamic Republic

  1. Political sociology of social forces involved in the Islamic Revolution;

6- Political sociology of the political elites of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic,

  1. Political sociology of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Revolution;
  2. Political Sociology of Religious Board in the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic,

9- Political sociology of forces and intellectual currents of the Islamic Revolution.