The Role of Ideology in the Process of the Revolutionary Movement (Comparison of Iran and Nicaraguan revolutions)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology at Razi University.

2 Master of Sociology of Revolution.


Comparing the role of ideology in the process of the revolutionary movement of Iran and Nicaragua is the central issue of this paper.It is argued, therefore, that these two revolutions introduced new varieties of revolutions that led to the revision of theories of revolution to the extent that the role of ideology in these revolutions has drawn the attention of scholars in this field to cultural elements in explaining the revolution.The role of ideology and the categories of mass consciousness in explaining revolutions is still debated, and only empirical research with reference to specific revolutions can put one's reasoning in the forefront. Referring to revolutions and the study of the role of ideology is to study the role of consciousness in the processes of fundamental change in society.This article examines two major revolutions that have had the most references in studying the role of ideology in theories of revolution. The method of the paper is comparative and its information is obtained from existing analytical-theoretical data. The paper's conclusion is based on the assumption that ideology has played an influential role in the Iranian and Nicaraguan revolution; from this point of view, the present study argues that despite the underlying differences and even differences in the content of ideologies in the two revolutions, the role of ideology in mobilizing the masses in the two countries have many similarities.


Main Subjects

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