The Impact of Hezbollah's Social Legitimacy on Its Deterrence Against the Zionist Regime

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D student in Regional Studies, Middle East, Imam Hussein University.


This article seeks to find a meaningful relationship between an actor's social legitimacy and its deterrence against foreign competitors and opponents. The hypothesis is held that efficiency enhances social legitimacy and, ultimately, reinforces a nation's strategic culture; such a culture will also affect the actor's strategic behaviors, including deterrence, Insofar as any disturbance in the actor-supporter relationship that undermines its social legitimacy is affected by its deterrence against an external enemy. The article has attempted to make a significant relation between Hezbollah's social legitimacy and its deterrence by focusing on the consequences of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon, as well as focusing on Hezbollah's relations with the Lebanese people and their place in Israel's strategic assessment of Hezbollah. The imposition of financial and banking sanctions on Hezbollah in a way that also affects the Lebanese people, is  of plans by the United States and Israel to undermine Hezbollah's effectiveness in the eyes of the Lebanese. If implemented, such a plan would undermine Hezbollah's efficiency and social legitimacy in the eyes of the Lebanese people, paving the way for the Zionist regime to control Hezbollah. The methodology of this research is descriptive and analytical and its data are collected from library and internet sources.


Main Subjects

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