The Salafi Discourse of Sahwah: Semantic Conflict, Integration of Salafi Jurisprudence and Brotherhood Policy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Political Science, Yasuj University.

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yasuj University.

3 Professor of Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University


After a century of hegemonic dignity, Wahhabi Salafi discourse has faced introspective challenges since the 1970s. The Sahwa (Awakening) discourse is one of the discourses that emerged as a challenge to the Wahhabi Salafi discourse in Saudi Arabia and sought to rethink the foundations of Wahhabi Salafi political thought. Using the discourse analysis of Laclau's and Mouffe's, the present paper examines how the Sahwah discourse and  its semantic dispute with the Wahhabi Salafi discourse is formed. This discourse, while criticizing the prescription of "adherence" and political indifference in the Wahhabi Salafi discourse,  by taking advantage of the Brotherhood's political teachings, and emphasizing the revival of the role of religion in society and politics, it has sought to deconstruct Salafi discourse and compete with Shia Islam discourse simultaneously.The findings of the article indicate that the ultimate goal of this discourse was to break the monopoly of the official Wahhabi discourse and to pursue politics and Islamization of society through political action; this discourse undermined the central political cause of the Wahhabi Salafi discourse, which is "subordination" to the rulers. Although the Sahwa was not hegemonic in official politics, and competing discourses seriously de-structured the slabs of Sahwa discourse, and prevented it from being hegemonic with the power of discourse and "power behind the discourse," yet In the social and cultural life of the Sunni Muslims, such discourses are valid and accessible.


Main Subjects

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