From revolution to refolution (Investigating the Reasons for Egypt's 2011 Uprising Failure)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Student in Political Sociology, University of Tehran.


The events that swept the Arab world in 2011 had contradictions and paradoxes that could neither be called revolution nor reform; therefore, new concepts were needed to explain these events. This study attempts to explain the rise of the Egyptian people and the reason for their failure by using the term "refolution" and its explanation. Therefore, in this article, we first try to clarify the concept of refolution, its differentiation with the classical revolution, the strengths and weaknesses of such uprisings and its emergence conditions. Then, using it to explain the Egyptian people's uprising, we will explain the reason for its failure. The research hypothesis is that what happened in Egypt was not a complete revolution; it was a combination of revolution and reform. Although the popular movement overthrew Hosni Mubarak, it was unable to bring about structural and institutional changes due to a lack of leadership, organization and ideology, so institutions and organizations of the former regime, including the army and security forces, remained intact. They managed to regain power and defeat the revolution at the right opportunity


Main Subjects

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