Congregation Imamate, a Model in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Case Study of the Congregation Imamate by Mahdavi Kenny at Jalili Mosque

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student of Islamic Studies and Political Science, Imam Sadegh University.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Imam Sadegh University


Given the constructive role of mosques in the training of manpower and political socialization, the authors of this article have addressed the function of leadership of the Imamate of the congregation. In this regard, the researchers have attempted to obtain an operational model for proposing to other congregations by referring to Ayatollah Mahdavi Kenny's performance in Jalili mosque.The reason is that Ayatollah Mahdavi Kenny was able to gather the personal, social and socio-political dimensions of the congregration Imamate in accordance with the time and circumstances, thus making a positive impact on individuals and society that has emerged to this day. The main research question  is: "What is the pattern of a congregation imamate in the Islamic Republic of Iran, documented by Ayatollah Mahdavi Kenny's manner?" To answer this question, the researchers used the content analysis method, interviewed the companions of Ayatollah Mahdavi Kenny in Jalili Mosque, identified and analyzed the spiritual, Individual and socio-political aspects of his  performance in this mosque and, and finally, have provided a comprehensive inferential model. The results of the study show that Ayatollah Mahdavi Kenny, as Imam of the congregation, has planned in three areas: political, social and cultural. In their measures, they have put Jalili Mosque in the political arena as the focus of anti-regime struggle and in the social arena as an effective institution in meeting the needs and assistance of the deprived and in the cultural arena as the focus of education. It is important to note that all of these dimensions are based on the principle of the mosque as the center of worship, and faith education which are assumed as the main mission of the mosque.


Main Subjects

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