Impacts of the United States on the Roles of European Countries in the Middle East (2004-2010)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 M.A, Regional Studies, Allameh Tabatabaei University


The Middle East, due its specific features, have always attracted the attention of great European powers and hence competition for more influence has been the dominant regional pattern of their behavior. By great European powers in this article we mean Germany, Britain and France. The main objective of the paper is to study the interaction between the United States and the said three significant European countries in the field of Middle East problems and the impact of this interaction on the role of European countries in the early years of 21st century. Assuming the existence of structural an social impact of the United States on the role of the said countries in the region, and through reviewing the measures of the said countries in three Middle Eastern issues, i.e. peace process, presence in Iraq after its occupation and Iran’s nuclear program, attempts have been made to study the level of determining effect of the United States on each of the issues under study and to show that the stances and measures of the said European countries have to some extent been the reflection of their perception of the US measures in the Middle East. On this basis, the European countries volitionally and within the framework of their interests follow the United States. However, this following is not mere obedience but volitional accompanying of the Untied States.


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