Causes and the reasons for the formation, continuation and expansion of the Gulen movement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of political science at Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin.

2 Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin


The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes and reasons for the formation, continuation and expansion of the Movement of Hizmet[1] (Movement attributed to Fethullah Gulen). While analyzing Gulen's views and thoughts, the intellectual and theoretical origins of this movement in the historical context of Turkey's political and social changes has been studied. Moreover, the trend of the spread of these ideas and organization of this movement in the form of disciplined and efficient educational and financial institutions and mass media has been studied with a systemic attitude (internal and external factors influencing the movement). This is  an exploratory research using descriptive and to a certain extent analytical method through referring to documents. In general, the Gulen movement was also a product of Turkey's historical conditions and a response to secularist policies of governments and the media, a continuous effort to adapt Islam to modernity and democracy. The use of Sufi teachings, the sanctification of work and collective effort, the fight against poverty, ignorance and division, and the struggle for reconciliation of tradition and modernity by borrowing from the tradition of liberalism and Protestant morality, have introduced a kind of Islam to the world that defends the social Islam against Political Islam. Although the activities and actions of this movement have been overshadowed by events after a failed coup and the Turkish government has launched a massive campaign to eliminate this movement, It seems that the story of a movement that has a deep foothold in Islamic tradition and indigenous culture and has shown its ability in adapting to existing conditions and in updating Islamic thoughts, will soon end.

[1] . Hizmet  In Turkish language and culture means "serving the mankind and taking the effort to do a job."(website of the Academy of Turkish Language, November 2, 2017) In this research, the Gulen Movement, the Service Movement, or Hizmet or Gulen Community, are all meant to refer to the same entity.


Main Subjects

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