The Practical Relationship between National Interest and Islamic Ideology in Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professeor of Islamic Science and Political Science Imam Sadiq (a.s.) University.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Islamic and Political Sciences, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) University.


Key sources of international relations emphasize the importance and position of national interests in the design of foreign policy, but national interests in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a political system based on the concept of political Islam, is a concept of a combination of national identity and religious identity; this combination brings with it issues that Among them, the ratio of "national interests" and "Islamic principles" in foreign policy. The aim of this qualitative research is to analyze the current status of the relationship between the Islamic interests and principles in the realm of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy.To this aim, and for direct and immediate study of this issue, based on the structure and institutions influential in foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, ten profound elite interviews were conducted. According to the empirical data obtained from the interviews, the status quo suggests "conceptual adaptation, interconnectedness, interaction and co-operation" between national interests and Islamic foundations in the field. From the point of view of the executive elite of foreign policy, Iran, as a rational actor, has been realistic in its idealistic way and has reasonably summed up national interests and Islamic principles.The Islamic Republic, based on a wise approach, has prioritized the pursuit of its high interests and, using the capacity of the theory of "preserving the system", has determined the relation between national interests and Islamic principles; Investigating the relationship in the sense of experience unity and conformity with the least conflict, and is distanced from what is pertinent to dichotomy


Main Subjects

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