Political Economy of Turkey Development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Political Sciences at Municipal University

2 Assistant Professor of political science at Allameh Tabataba'i University.


In the 1980s, Turkey succeeded in reforming its internal economic structure, influenced by the course of neoliberalism as a dominant approach in the field of politics and the global economy, and promoted its domestic and international status in this way. The question of the present article is: "What effects and consequences did the neoliberal renovation and reforms have on Turkey's economic structure and how is the state's position in this process analyzed?"; The findings of the study based on a descriptive and analytical method and the study of the documents showed that the role of the developmental government in Turkey, especially from the era of Ozal as the main director of the  reforms, has been based on neoliberal policies and the integration of Turkey into the global economy, and "the withdrawal of economy from usury to a healthy structure, creating qualitative changes in the constitution for the benefit of economic change, advancing towards integration with world economy, interaction with the West and utilizing the opportunities of globalization," were their main policies that the economic developments arising from them along with the emergence of the Justice and Development Party, brought Turkey to a prominent place


Main Subjects

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