Iranian Civilization Sphere, Globalization and Future Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in This Region

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, the University of Tehran.

2 Ph.D Student, International Relations, the University of Tehran.

3 M.A., International Relations, the University of Tehran


Besides what is known as Iran, which is confined to its political borders today, there is another Iran with cultural nature which, as a civilizational sphere, encompasses an area several folds that of today's Iran, including such countries as Afghanistan and Tajikistan, as well as parts of Pakistan, India, Central Asian and Caucasian countries and Iraq and also territories where the Kurds live, underlining the splendor of the civilizational sphere of Iran. Thanks to the opportunities created in the context of globalization as well as the developments unfolding in the region, the grounds is prepared for the revival of this sphere through establishing close relations between different parts of this sphere to create cultural integrity. The main question of the present paper is: Given the existing potentials, how shouldIranformulate its future foreign policy to be able to make maximum use of the said opportunities?
The contention of the present paper is that ethnic multiplicity in Iranian society and the existence of their extensions in the Iranian civilizational sphere is an opportunity and hence it is a positive factor for adopting suitable strategies to expandIran's national interests in the said sphere which can promoteIran's status. Some suggestions have been made in the end, which include: it is necessary to reviewIran's foreign policy towards its civilizational sphere. Also some other suggestions have been given for the deliberate utilization of this capacity within the framework of center-periphery doctrine..


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