Saudi Arabia's Augmentative Role in Violent Grounds of Islamic Identity: A Case Study of the Central Asian Region

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Guilan

2 Ph.D candidate of International Relations, University of Guilan.


Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, "fundamentalism and the rise of violence in Central Asia" has been one of the issues facing countries in the region; it has been studied from a variety of perspectives and various scholars have cited the "political, economic and cultural" reasons for its formation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of external factors, including the role of Saudi Arabia in expanding the scope of violence in Central Asia. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia has made widespread efforts to infiltrate the Central Asian region, much of it related to the use of identity tools to manage the behavioral patterns of Saudi Arabian interest groups in the post-collapse years. These efforts were largely based on perceptual foundations that must be traced back to the Wahhabi speculative circles; the main question of this study is, "How did Saudi Arabia's behavior patterns lead to the rise of violence in Central Asia?" The findings show that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia has distorted the identity of Islamic groups in Central Asia by expanding the Wahhabi idea. The most important feature of the Wahhabi idea is the intolerance against other ethnic groups which has increased the scope of violence in Central Asia.


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