The look of jihad and martyrdom in the process of state-building of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of political science at Shahed University.

2 Ph.D. student of Political Studies of Islamic Revolution at Shahed University.


Hamas, popular movement - National is trying to pave the way for freedom and liberation from the oppression of the Palestinian people and the release of the occupied territories and confront the Zionist project provides support powers. Hence, strategies for establishing a government tries to adopt and implement Dravrd.dr located in the territory of the Palestinian state, a process that should be done in stages after liberation. Therefore, Hamas is seeking to political legitimacy in this land, promote. That is why the political and military measures put in your activity list Who believes they are doing jihad and martyrdom believe is possible. Thus, the question is whether the two components of the vision system _ an act of jihad and martyrdom in this movement is what meaning What is the role of each in the process of state-building?. It seems that the three categories of resistance Hamas in the political culture, identity and freedom Based Islamic Arabic _ is, jihad and martyrdom, a tool to fight the occupation forces and the liberation of the occupied territories. After dissecting the two components of the system of thought Hamas descriptive survey, it became clear look Jihad movement, which includes both civilian and military actions with respect to that eventually, lead to martyrdom, high sanctity is. In this regard, the eyes of Hamas, the two components referred to as the gateway to the state-building process are considered.


Main Subjects

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