Orientation to West in Turkish Foreign Policy during the Reign of Justice & Development Party

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Human Science Research center, Tehran Academic Crusade

2 Instructor at Kangan University of Applied Sciences, Islamic Azad University of Bandar Dayyer Branch, MA in International Relations

3 Instructor at Islamic Azad University of Komijan Branch, MA in Political Science


Turkey, as a Muslim nation, has worked a lot to promote its rank in domestic and foreign fields. Turkish statesmen believe that their foreign policy is a continuation of Turkish domestic policy. Therefore, they have tested various ways to develop economic and social state of Turkey. During the past few decades, they managed to make social and economic developments so that in comparison with 70s Turkey has become a major hub of economic development and foreign investment in the region. When the Islamists (Justice and Development Party) assumed power in Turkey in 2002, drastic changes occurred in foreign policy dialog of this country. During the years before administration of Justice and Development Party, Turkish statesmen pursued Ahmet Davutoglu’s “theory of strategic depth”. He was the architect of modern Turkey. Today, Justice and Development Party, under Erdugan, seriously tries to join the European Union. To that end, Turkey has tuned its regional and trans-regional policies in tandem with full conformity with the preconditions for membership in the European Union. This analytical-descriptive paper has used library and Internet sources for its research. 


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