Developments in Identity Dialogs in Turkey, from Kemalism to Islamism: with an Emphasis on Justice and Development Party

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Political Sciences, Isfahan University

2 PHD Student of Political Sciences, Isfahan University


This paper intends to analyze and clarify the turn in the ruling identity dialog in Turkey from Kemalism to Islamism. In this dialog-oriented development, political Islam plays a key role with respect to social, historical, ideological and identity variables in the Republic of Turkey. In this research work, while reviewing in brief the identity elements in Turkey of Kemalism era, we will study the conflicts between Islamism and Kemalism dialogs and finally end up with the reasons for hegemony of Islamic dialog. A study of the existing political literature on Turkey shows that the previous studies chiefly have focused on such issues as security, democracy and Turkey’s request for joining the European Union. Apparently they have all neglected the importance of Islamic identity procedures and mechanisms in Turkey and secularism. Therefore, in reviewing and clarifying the dialog-oriented developments in Turkey, we have focused on the role of Islamic identity and its impact on the policies adopted by new Turkish statesmen (with an emphasis on Justice and Development Party). According to the findings of this research, obtained through dialog analysis the new Islamists in Turkey, working under the banner of Justice and Development Party, are players who have practically managed to weaken Kemalistic dialog in the country by democratic and peaceful methods, thus pave the ground for the emergence of a new Islamic dialog. This new dialog wants to give a new definition of the relations between Islam and modernization in Turkish society. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to understand this fact that what strategies and tactics Turkish Islamists have taken during various ages to fight strict control of religious identity of the people by Kemalistic dialog. 


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