A Study of the Role of Internet in Social Movement of Egypt

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University.

2 M.A. student of Regional Studies, Shiraz University

3 M.A. student of Regional Studies, Shiraz University.


This research work intends to study the role of Internet in recent social movement in Egypt that toppled down Hosni Mubarak’s government in January 2011. During the recent years, new communication technologies, specially the Internet and social networks on the Internet, have turned to be a major source for mobilization and organization of social movements across the globe. The recent movements in Arab states of the Middle East and North Africa made use of new communication technologies and put on display a new form of revolution and mass mobilization in this region wherein people sought meeting their legitimate rights. The role of mass media in general and Internet and social networks in particular was very important ever since the outset of the movements. These communication tools promoted public awareness on one side and on the other side, accelerated the demonstrations and expansion of the movement to all cities because of possessing diversified capabilities. It is believed that large social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and personal weblogs have served as powerful and influential channels for the people of Egypt who had long suffered state censorship. Moreover, Internet and social networks brought about development of political concepts and mass mobilization for political activities in Egypt. 


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