Recognizing and Understanding the "Formulation of the Common world" in the Political Thought of Allama Iqbal Lahori (Based on Eric Voegelin's Methodology)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan Iran.

2 Ph.D student of political science at Yasouj University


The literary works of Muhammad Iqbal Lahori have made him famous as poet. However, in the philosophical book of "Revival of Civilization", aims way to rebuild Islamic civilization and prevent further decline of Muslims, he appears in the role of a philosopher and theoretician. The main goal of the current research is to evaluate the intellectual legacy of Muhammad Iqbal Lahori as a religious thinker, using the "Common World" methodology.
The main question of the research is how Iqbal Lahori was able to create a "common world" in realm field opinions, where which all groups various different political-intellectual assert declare their presence and exchange opinions and peacefully manner.
The findings of the research, based on the theory and methodology of Eric Voegelin, show that the two worlds of tradition and modernity have influenced the transformation of Iqbal's opinions and thoughts. After traversing a long path, his thoughts have taken shape in the form of an intermediate space. The "Common World" plan will be implemented. However, it should also be noted that although Iqbal's thoughts have the potential to create a common world, the starting point of his discussion, like that of other religious intellectuals, is not the sphere of politics; rather, it transitions into the realm of politics from philosophy. A review of the existing literature reveals a lack of independent research in this field in the Persian language. The research method is based on Eric Voegelin's "Common World" methodology, and the data collection method is "library and documents."


Main Subjects

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