Principles and Extra-Constitutional Cases in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran: From Structure to Norm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's degree in Public Law, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Qom, Iran.

2 Professor of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law Department, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Qom, Iran


The central issue of this article is the nature and rationale behind the formality of extra-constitutional principles and cases in the current constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. For this reason, we have discussed and debated using a descriptive and analytical method while adopting a critical approach. According to our research findings, the aforementioned principles and cases are two separate and distinct topics. The identification and formalization of these in the constitution itself is a flaw. In other words, the restriction of such categories is not acceptable and is justified only for the purpose of maintaining stability and ensuring the rule of the constitution, but their expanded scope poses issues. Therefore, the criteria considered by the fundamental legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after reviewing the entry of items with a structural and normative description under Article 177, are criticized from the perspective of this article.
However, it must be acknowledged that the current constitution of the country has solid scholarly and popular foundations, and its orientation in this field seems logical. From our perspective, any form of support for the constitution as the paramount political legal document of the nation and any amendments to its content should be carried out while respecting the principles of republicanism and Islamism, ensuring their maintenance and safeguarding.


Main Subjects

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