Analysis of Nasserian Nationalism Discourse and its Evolution of Promising Discourse to Hegemonic Discourse

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran.

3 Department of Psychology / Faculty of Social Sciences / Imam Khomeini International University


The discourse of Nasserian nationalism in the fifties and sixties, the manifestation of the utopia and the place of realization of the suppressed Arabic human desires during the years of the rule of transnational and proxy systems were thought and in the face of other competing discourses such as liberalism and Islamic fundamentalism, it became the dominant discourse of the region; But over time, the duality in the slogan and action of this discourse became known to everyone. Moreover, as an imposed and hegemonic discourse, the emerging dictatorship of Arabic nationalism was forced. 
This article, using library data and critical discourse analysis method, first identifies the semantic system and components of Nasserian nationalism discourse based on the definitions of the two concepts of discourse and hegemony, and then aimed at integrating attitudes and behaviors of this discourse Nasserian nationalism is measured in textual and intertextual analysis. Data indicate that Nasserian nationalism focused most of its attention on the magnification and myth of Abdel Nasser and the hegemony of his intended political movement within the country, the region, and even the world. In other words, the point of Nasserian nationalism discourse, the integrated Arabic identity in Charisma, and the power of Abdel Nasser were summarized. Furthermore, taking advantage of the period of the absence of the Arab society from colonialism and corruption of the monarchy and relying on signs such as the Arab unity, the Arab nation, and other ideological and epic signals was an opportunity to legitimize its political status and authority over other regional discourses. Abdel Nasser used any tool for enemy and non-hostility and increased political and ideological conflicts in order to attract different strata of people to his discourse. Explaining the factors of formation, authority, and ultimately suppressing the discourse of Nasserian nationalism in the geopolitical environment of that time is the most important issue.


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