Self-Declared Islamic State of Isis: Structural and Ideological Distinctions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, faculty member of Political Science, University of Shiraz.

2 M.A. student, Middle East Studies, University of Shiraz.


Arab spring and its political, economic and cultural consequences fundamentally changed the political equations in the Middle East. The role of Islamic fundamental groups such as Isis, Islamic State of Iraq and Sham, and Al-Qaeda in the recent developments especially in Syria and Iraq changed the trend of political developments in the region. Isis and its growth and promotion in the shadow of Syria civil war and crisis in the Iraq becomes the focal point of academic discussions. Despite of ideological and structural similarities between of new waves of fundamentalism in the region with previous’, many of its dimensions changed and got Metamorphosis. Isis, as the most successful and powerful fundamental group, introduces a new style and method in governing. Dominating large parts of Iraq and Syria by this group and attraction tens of thousands of Jihadists from across the world are indications for the partly success of their mission. In this article, writers, according to Isis ideological and structural indexes, are after drawing an analogy between Isis and Al-Qaeda in the terms of Structural and ideological distinctions.
Key words: Islamic Fundamentalism, Isis, Al-Qaeda, violence, Ideology


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