The Formation of Anti-systemic Groups in the geopolitical network of Islamic world

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated professor, Faculty of International Relations, University of Tehran.

2 M.A. in international relation, University of Tehran.


Regional networks, based on their characteristics, provide different conditions for formation and growth of anti-systemic groups. Regional orders, based on sustainability, robustness, security, stability and dynamic, are differentiated; therefore they will be confronted with different security dilemmas. Today, Islamic World, as a regional network, is confronted with multitudinous of such groups. Therefore the causes of formation and growth of these groups within regional order, of Islamic World, is the axis of this article. Anti-systemic groups are multidimensional and as a social, political and cultural phenomenon. On this base authors argue that world of Islam has a central position in global order and because of this intrusive power is very sensitive to control of it’s order and this power by use of incoherent structure of this network has formed anti-systemic groups as strategic instruments of control system of regional order. Meanwhile resistant groups have been formed at regional-social level against regional policies of intrusive power. , there are numerous types of these groups such as instrumental and resistant or defensive-offensive that play in Islamic regional network. Some of these groups play an instrumental role of regional intrusive powers, and some of them are resistance groups. Some of these groups help to fulfill the control functions of intrusive power. In this Article by using the case study method with priority of theory, investigate the this respect first step theoretical model will be designed and then the regional network of Islam as a case will survey.


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