Metaphorical Analysis from the Islamic Republic Party Viewpoint Regarding the Causes and Concept of Political Struggle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Political Science, Department of Islamic Studies, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate, Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This article aims to study the metaphorical analysis of the causes and concept of political struggle from the perspective of the Islamic Republic Party. The questions of the article are, "Firstly, What are the causes of struggle in human society in the discourse of the Republic Party? and secondly, What is the perception and understanding of the concept of struggle in this discourse?". Hypotheses have not been designed and tested to answer these questions. The research is qualitative. By assuming the conceptual metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson and the metaphor identification method, an attempt has been made to answer the questions. The authors have concluded that the Islamic Republic Party, with a psychological approach, considers the two internal tendencies of humans, i.e. selfishness and indulgence, to be the cause of the formation of struggle in human society. It is possible to control these inner tendencies that lead to contradiction and conflict with the guidance of external and internal prophets (intellect) and finally achieve an ideal society in which there is no oppression and, as a result, there is no struggle between different groups. Understanding the struggle from the party's perspective is done using perceptions that are rooted in everyday religious experiences and in this understanding, primary conceptual areas such as war, jihad, duty and responsibility, virtue and perfection, tools and means play a pivotal role.


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