Intensification of Saudi Arabia's Confrontational Policy with Iran Since the Bin Salman's Succession

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate, Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Law and Political Science Department, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Law and Political Science Department, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate professor of political science at Allameh Tabataba'i University,


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with its conservative, traditional, patrimonial, and Wahhabi ideological political system, serves as the Umm al-Qura (the core nation of the Islamic world) of the Islamic world for many Sunni countries. Meanwhile, the political, ideological, and even security rivalries between the Saudis and Iran have always faced many challenges even before the Islamic Revolution. This issue was Intensified after the Islamic Awakening and the growing concern of the Saudis about the arrival of Arab protest waves in the country. With the presence of Mohammad Bin Salman in the position of the successor, his hostile policies against the Islamic Republic of Iran have publicly declined the two countries into the most political and security tensions; In a way that can be claimed as the culmination of the Cold War between the Saudis against Iran. The present article seeks to provide a convincing and reasoned answer to the question that: What approaches have Mohammad Bin Salman's most important policies been based on toward the Islamic Republic of Iran? The authors' hypothesis is based on the intensification of Bin Salman's most confrontational policies against Iran. Findings of the article, using the interpretive method and theory of the Haug Miall crisis, show that the historical sequence of this crisis, in addition to the historical hostilities after the Islamic Revolution, dates back to the time of the conclusion of BARJAM. In the development phase of the crisis, i.e. the Bin Salman's attempt to expand political-security relations with the Zionist regime, in the stage of collision or dream, the authors will point to two main issues: the design of soft conspiracies to overthrow the Islamic Republic and Bin Salman's support for terrorist forces against Iran. Finally, in the intervention phase, we can refer to the mediation activities of the Iraqi Prime Minister.


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