Explanation of the factors affecting the role of Oman in the stability of the Persian Gulf region

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student in International Relations, International Relations Department, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Isfahan.

3 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Explanation of the factors affecting the role of Oman in the stability of the
Persian Gulf region
The Persian Gulf region is one of the most sensitive and critical regions of the world. In a region with this characteristic, Oman has been able to play a role in maintaining its stability. The question of this research is, “What factors have influenced the foreign policy of Oman on providing stability in the Persian Gulf region?” The hypothesis of this study is that, “Geopolitical factors, Economic factors, the role of Sultan Qaboos, internal stability and religious believes, have influenced the foreign policy orientation of this country in the form of adoption of positive neutrality, and this important issue, for its part, has caused Oman to play a role in stabilizing the Persian Gulf region”. In this research, descriptive – analytical method is used, and library method is used for gathering data. The findings of this study show that, Oman, in recent decades, understanding the importance of maintaining the stability in the region, has always tried to prevent the spread of any tension and crisis in this region, using diplomatic means. This country, has been able to play a role in establishing stability in the Persian Gulf region, through its diplomatic power and gaining the trust of other regional actors and parties involved in the crisis, despite lack of material tools of power.
Key words: foreign policy, Oman, Persian Gulf, positive neutrality, stability


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