Today the dynamics of globalization not only the objective realm of social life of societies, but also have transformed the theoretical and methodological realm of social science in analyzing and explaining social phenomena. in other words, the current dynamics of globalization has discredited the old scales of analysis of phenomena within the realm of the social sciences. In this regard, the adoption of new methodological perspectives has been crucial for the study of social phenomena and issues. The main research question is: in the age of globalization, what is the importance necessity of applying»methodological glocalization« in the analysis of social and political phenomena? The hypothesis appropriate to the research question is that, methodological Glocalization Beyond methodological Nationalism and Methodological Globalism provide new interpretive and analytical tools for political and social scholars to understand social phenomena. The finding of the study shows that within the framework of methodological glocalization, there will be an opportunity examine two global and local phenomena at the same time in a dialectical relationship. In this research, methodological glocalization is considered as an independent variable and understanding of social phenomena as dependent variable.
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Ghanbari, L., Sadeghi, S. S., Ahmadian, G. The Sociology of Globalization and Methodological Transformations
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