Analyzing and Reading the Paradoxical Tendencies of Modern Secularism in the Thought of Contemporary Political Thinkers in the Arab World

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The idea of secularism in the Arab world has had different foundations, constructions, theorists, reactions and functions. The present study examines the context and principles of secularism among the thinkers of the Arab world through the analysis of the thought of five contemporary thinkers and philosophers of the contemporary Arab world from the west and east of the Arab world. The main question of the present study is what is the structure of the typology of the thinking of the famous secularist thinkers in the Arab world? In response to the research question, the article considers the thinking of these thinkers about secularism based on the confrontation between tradition and modernity, resulting from the two constructs of reactionary introversion or localism and westernist extroversion in the Arab world. The current of reactionary introverted thinking considers the main cause of the problems of the Arab world to be the distance from the original Islamic traditions. And sees secularism and Western values as destroying the Arab world. The answer is a kind of Islamic radicalism - dogmatic thinking in political and social life in the Arab world. The second stream by choosing to support maximally anti-religious secularism; is a westernist, and considers the elimination and exclusion of Islamic religion and traditions from the current of political and social thought and life as one of its main goals. Some thinkers have also chosen the middle ground. The method of the present article is based on a qualitative analysis of the main texts of the five thinkers and philosophers in the Arab world, including Al-Masiri, Al-Jundi, Abed Jaberi, Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd, and Nassif Nasar.


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