The Assessment of Political Socialization Process Impact on Erupting October 2019 Protests in Iraq

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Regional Studies, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Student in Regional Studies, University of Tehran.


The social protests in Iraq which took place in 2019 and the elite turning afterward was indeed a turning point in tensed history of this country particularly in Post-Saddam era. In fact the upraising was the beginning for social unrest in which 10 provinces out to 19 provinces in Iraq has faced it. In this research we are going to survey the political socialization index in the country to turn out the social roots of the so called “October Revolution”. To do so, we will answer the main question “How the political socialization process in Iraq led to October 2019 upraising?” based on library and media sources study. For this purpose we evaluate the status of political socialization such as Family (Violence against women and parenting Style), Educational institutions, the government efficiency, Media effect and peer group and then explain the causes behind the quench the protests without the problems being solved.


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