The Problematic Encounter of Liberty, Government, and Religion in Arab Society with Focusing on Abdallah Laroui Views

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Associate Professor of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


Upon entering Arab society, freedom faced multifaceted difficulties, one of which was authoritarianism. The Arab rulers and states, although ostensibly distinguishing the institution of religion from the institution of the state; But they used religion as a tool to advance their policies and to derive a different meaning from the concept of freedom. If religion is not an obstacle to freedom; Rather, it is tribal traditions and governments that have historically impeded freedom. The main question of this article is what is the position and meaning of freedom in confronting the government and religion in the Arab society? The initial answer to this question is that the understanding of the meaning of freedom in Arabic political literature is different, and obstacles such as the authority of the state have made the Arab community's ability to develop and expand freedom unstable. To this end, this article seeks to examine the difficulty of the confrontation between freedom, government, and religion in Arab society from the perspective of Abdullah Laroui, a well-known thinker in Morocco, in the twentieth century, using the interpretive method and conceptual framework of the freedom. This study shows that freedom and democracy have not been possible due to historical and ethnic and cultural reasons.


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