The Arbaeen March a symbol of the formation of the collective identity of Muslims

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student in sociology, Garmsar branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran


The Arbaeen March is a gathering of millions of people in Iraq, and its population is growing every year. Different nationalities of different races and languages, including Shiites and Sunnis, and even followers of other religions are present at the ceremony. These people with different national, ethnic, individual and social identities with a cohesive and united way participate in this march. What reasons can unite this massive population of millions so that individuals, despite having different individual, national and social identities, all gather under one flag? Have the different dimensions of the Arbaeen walk led to the formation of a collective identity among the marchers? To answer these questions, we did a quantitative research. The survey included 424 randomly selected participants from the event, including Iranians, Iraqis and people from other countries.
The findings : the Arbaeen March, as a phenomenon derived from the Shiite religion, has a political function as well as a religious manifestation, as the results show, between the political and international dimensions. Arbaeen March and the formation of collective identity There is a significant relationship between the marchers and more than 80% of the respondents believe in the collective identity formed in Arbaeen more than their individual and national identity and consider the march as a factor of unity and convergence of Muslims. . The absence of differences between the rich and the poor, race and nationality, solidarity, unity and Islamic awakening, and being under the banner of Husseini are characteristics of this collective identity.


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