Modeling for Fulfillment of Islamic Modern Civilization by Social Networking

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A., Faculty of Information Technology Management

2 Seminary teacher, Ahvaz

3 P.h.D in curriculum planning, Payam Noor University


This paper is a cross-major survey in the field of social science, revolution history, artificial intelligence, IT, and fluid mechanics aimed to explain how Islamic modern civilization has built and answers these questions: what are the movement specifications of Islamic modern civilization? What is the most appropriate model for simulation of Islamic modern civilization movement? Based on comparative model, can social networking be good infrastructure for fulfillment of Islamic modern civilization? For answering these questions, 35 papers, 25 lectures of Imam Khomeini and Khamenei, 9 books and 5 references are analyzed in a descriptive study. Findings show that Islamic modern civilization has movement specifications such as reformism, popularity, modernism, flexibility, dependence on collective intelligence, cause and effect in global level (level 1), idealism, following the principles (level 2), and position of leadership (level 3). Considering the influence of these nine specifications on the movement, source routing algorithm is the most appropriate simulation for Islamic modern civilization movement. Based on Source Model analysis movement of Islamic Republic of Iran towards fulfillment of this civilization has faced to lack of speed and comprehensiveness of level one specifications’ influence. For fluency of this movement, social networking is the best practice.


فهرست منابع
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 [oftadeh1]ناقص است!