Sociological Analysis of The Rise and Fall of The ISIL Reactionary Movement Based on Snow and Benford Framing Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Political Science, University of Isfahan

2 Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan

4 . Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan


The present article seeks to analyze the reactionary movement of ISIL from a sociological point of view, relying on Snow and Benford framing theory. The main question of the article is what are the causes of the rise and fall of ISIL based on the Snow and Benford framing theory? Thus, the leading article tries to respond to this important issue in a deductive way and by collecting library information, and documents. The findings of the study show that, firstly, the framing theory provides the basis for understanding the global mobilization of fighters to join ISIL. Secondly, according to this, factors such as the feeling of injustice in the current situation, ISIL as a solution to improve the social situation, and accreditation to terrorist violence have been effective in identifying the fighters. Third, given the competitive process that existed between actors and influencers in the field of collective action in framing theory, confrontational challenges such as the opposition of state actors, internal disputes between ISIL leaders and members, and differences of opinion and action arose. As a result, an arena was set for the decline of the ISIL reactionary movement. Key achievements of this study include the close link between sociology and terrorism and the growing focus on interpreting dissatisfaction and other elements of thought, such as upholding values ​​and beliefs in a movement; Which has already faced a research vacuum.


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