Cultural Change Approach and Constructed Model of Closed-loop Collective Action in the Society with Survival Values: A Case Study in Egypt

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Associate professor of political science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 M.A. in studies of Middle East and Northern Africa, University of Tehran


One of the approaches to community development has been theorized that by Inglehart and Wlze are Cultural Change from survival values to self-expression values .Based on the theory of cultural change, societies can divided into two categories of “countries with survival value” and “countries with self-expression values”. The authors argue that collective action in any society Dependent on cultural change and values. Hence the collective action in countries with survival values different from other countries. Theoretical and conceptual conflicts and challenges very much around collective action, and there is not same views about some popular event .We aim to provide a constructed closed loop models of collective action for the survival of societies that have been studied in Egypt as a case study. Our aim in this study are the survey the Egypt as a different country from other arab country. 


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