Investigating the ideology of the Ashura uprising based on the statements of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in 61-60 AD. by the Grounded theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Theology at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Faculty member of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Ferdowsi Univerdity of Madhhad-Iran


Imam Hosayn′s movement is one of the most important and perhaps the most
important event after the greatest prophet′s death in the history of Islam. This topic is picked up unique in terms of dimensions and scope of impact. It has always been a matter for Muslims and many Islamic scholars have made special efforts to understand correctly.
Considering the importance of the issue and along with the efforts made in this area, we have sought to rethink the methodical research in this area using the “Grounded theory” method.
Imam′s movement occurred at a time when the atmosphere of the ruling the Islamic community was significantly different from Islamic teachings.
In meantime Yazid get to caliphate witch was also the result of one series of social actions opposed to the right and Islam was at risk and distorted.
The result of analysis of Imam′s statements from start to doing the movement has showed that Regarding the incompetency of that time ruler as the main challenge of the society as well as the underlying reasons of that event, the results show that a fundamental solution was considered in addition to applying marginal guidelines based on the necessity of the movement. Finally the movement has been outlined in two different methods, each of which is mapped based on the desirable conditions and requirements.


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