Discourse Analysis The approach of religious scholars to Ta'ziyeh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Social Science- Faculty of Law & Social Science- University of Tabriz- Tabriz-Iran

2 Msc in Sociology University of Tabriz Tabriz Iran


The religious scholars' society is one of the main elements of the Ta'zi'ah and the most important one, and by studying the discursive space of the religious scholars community, changes can be made in this regard. The main purpose of the research is to analyze the discourse governing the religious scholars community and how the dominant discourse on the religious scholars community was to promote ritualism in Ta'ziyeh.
In the study of the approach of religious scholars in Hossein Ta'zieh, Robert Mortene's theory of rituals of worship has been used. The research method is the type of qualitative research and the applied technique is the discourse analysis technique. In the study of the concepts of the analysis of the discourse of Lacla and Mouffe and in the study of the causal nature of this approach, the analysis of the discourse "Norman Frecklass" has been used.
. The findings of the research show that in the discourse governing the community of religious scholars, in comparison with the past, there has been a ritualistic and unusual approach, and it seems that the continuation of this discursive process by religious scholars, itself, promotes religious ritualism in Will be tainted.


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