The role of gender in ISIL's campaign strategy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asistant Professor of Political Science, Shiraz University

2 M.A in Regional Studies


The terrorist group of ISIL, as one of the most modern and up-to-date terrorist groups in the world, has a social body of all kinds, both male and female. The role of gender and its functions in such a self-proclaimed state has always been attended by the leaders of the Islamic State, in order to achieve its main goal, the realization of the Islamic state (Islamic caliphate). Accordingly, what is supposed to be in this regard is the belief that ISIS has used both male and female gender roles in its struggle strategies, but what is the gender of women and men in fighting strategies? In addition, what function did they have for the Islamic state? It is a question to be answered in this research with an analytical-explanatory approach and using library and internet resources. In this study, by using the Talcott Parsons functionalism theory in response to the question, the attempt has been made to the hypothesis of the practice community It is covered in the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group that gender is based on its function, and both sexes are based on gender, propaganda, state-building, nation-building, military, and so on. They have been active in the realization of the Islamic State and only in times of emergency (such as escape and lack of fighters man and so on) have witnessed the interference of ISIL's gender activities in some activities as well.


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