A Comparative Study of Islam’s Security Approach with Realistic, Liberal Security Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asistant Profesoor, Political Sceince Department. Isfahan University.

2 Ph.D Student, International Relation, Gilan University.

3 M.A., International Relation, Isfahan University.


Given the place of security in man’s life, the theories of international relations (old, classic and modern) have always tried to interpret and explain the concept of security and mechanism of its maintenance. The differences in the ontological principles of realism and liberalism as two main trends of international relations have led to different security approaches of these two trends. Islam too, on the basis of its ontology, has a different approach distinct from the said schools of thought. The present paper is an attempt to study the differences of the said three schools of thought in their conceptualization, dimensions, mechanisms and operationalization of indexes of security in their individual and social (domestic and international) security systems. The findings of the research indicate that the pessimistic approach of realism to man and nature of system, on the basis of its ontological principles, has created a realistic interactive-confrontational security approach based on comprehensive security (with emphasis on different layers of security and ummah level of analysis). 


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