Backgrounds, Structures, and Agencies of Establishing the Organization of Islamic Revolutionary Brigades of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Sociology of Islamic Revolution at Shahed University.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Shahed University.


The purpose of the present study is to examine the intellectual, structural and agency backgrounds and contexts of the Organization of Islamic Revolutionary Brigades. The occurrence of revolutions has always been accompanied by the emergence of spontaneous and popular institutions and organizations with particular revolutionary values. One of the important organizations that emerges after the victory of the revolutions is the militia and paramilitary organizations composed of revolutionaries and the masses. The Islamic Revolution Brigades were among the first organizations to be formed to deal with military and security issues and to provide security, comfort and prosperity to the people after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Given the position of defense and security organizations in the continuation and growth of the revolution, as well as their role in maintaining the revolution and maintaining its achievements, it seems necessary to study them. The research method is qualitative and historical research. The tool for collecting data is note taking and interview. According to the research findings, the intellectual and ideological grounds for the formation of the Revolutionary Brigade organization are the ideology of the Islamic Revolution. Political, social, and cultural structures were explored in the context of structural issues. Among the political structures, the leadership and the Revolutionary Council played an important role in the formation of the revolutionary brigades, but the provisional government opposed the brigades' continued work. Among the social and cultural structures, the seminaries, universities, mosques and hosseiniyas played an important role in the formation and continuation of the Brigades' tasks. Investigating the administrative areas, it was concluded that political elites, including the leaders of the revolution and members of the Revolutionary Council and the clergy and the masses, played a key role in the formation and organization of the birgades


Main Subjects

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